Loss & Momentum

The Loss Momentum Framework

By following students through the four main stages of their interaction with college—Connection, Entry, Progress, and Completion—the Loss Momentum Framework helps colleges identify where students stumble or become sidetracked, and, thus, where there are opportunities to prevent students from dropping out and improve their momentum toward program completion.

--Completion by Design website (2021)

Phases of the Loss Momentum Framework

  • Entry - This encompasses the start of the course through the first major assignment/test/project.
  • Connection - This is the time between registration and the start of class.
  • Progress - This is the time from the first major assignment/test/project to 75% completion of the class.
  • Completion - This is the time from 75% complete of the course to the end of course.


Articles to Read

Understanding the Student Experience Through the Loss/Momentum Framework: Clearing the Path to Completion Rassen, Chaplot, Jenkins & Johnstone/The RP Group

Loss/Momentum Framework Completion by Design